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"Make Meditation Stick" A 4 part meditation course

Cost: £33

Making meditation stick

The word meditate comes from the Latin meditate which means to contemplate. The dictionary defines that to meditate is to “focus one's mind for a period of time, for spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.” And while training our mind to focus might still be a challenge, it sounds much more achievable than asking it not to think about anything, doesn’t it?

There seems to be misconception that to meditate means to clear your mind and go “zen”. Even people who have meditated for decades (and as humans we’ve been doing it for thousands of years), sometimes never achieve a clear mind. Too often, people don't meditate because they "don't know how" or "can't do it properly" but the truth is, everyone can enjoy the benefits of meditation when they find the form of meditation that suits them best.

Meditation has been shown to:

  • Lower stress
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Enhance mental health
  • Improve self-awareness
  • Increase concentration and attention span
  • Reduce memory loss
  • Generate empathy and kindness
  • Improve sleep
  • Lower heart rate and blood pressure

The reality is, most of us are too busy, tired or stressed to make meditation stick in our lives! This 4-part course has been specially designed to help you understand what meditation IS (and IS NOT), and allow you to explore different ways of meditating to find the form that best suits you.

“Meditation is evolution's strategy to bring out our full potential.” — Tara Brach

What can I expect?

Naomi Mills has been a Chiropractor and retreat leader for many years. With more than 200 events under her belt, she has a lot of experience with helping people to explore meditation. Her training as a Master Firewalker and breathwork facilitator has also exposed her to many unusual forms of meditation which she is keen to share with you.

Read about Naomi

"Making meditation stick" is a 4 part course designed to help you learn how to meditate better, release unhelpful ideas or concepts around meditation and to have fun exploring different ways to meditate. You can have your questions answered and discover how you can easily fit meditation into your daily life with minimum stress and maximum effect!

Naomi is so passionate about teaching meditation, because her day-job as a Chiropractor means she sees the impact that a calm body and mind has on the body's ability to heal, every day!

Each event will have a different theme and tools to explore. Each will follow this simple outline:

  • Exploring concepts around meditation
  • Trying 2-3 forms of meditation as part of the group
  • Time for reflection, sharing and questions

You are then encouraged to take the next 6 weeks to play with the meditation tools and practice making them stick. There will be lots of practical advice given so that each person goes away with their own personal meditation practice.

You can book individual sessions, or book all 4 for the price of 3
Book now

Making Meditation Stick: Sessions 1-4

Session 1: Understanding meditation
Tuesday 21st January 2025
In this first session we will explore common myths around meditation, get clear on what meditation really is, and what it means to get “out of your body and into your mind”. You will be invited to take part in a range of experiences which will include focussing on a candle, using the breath for meditation and a glasswalk.

Session 2: The collective consciousness
Tuesday 4th March 2025
It is said that each time we meditate, we are joining everyone else on the planet who is also in that altered state of awareness and all of those before us. In this session we will explore the concept of the collective consciousness and experience using malas and mantras and walking a labyrinth.

Session 3: Using the body to meditate
Tuesday 22nd April 2025
Some people find the concept of a higher or spiritual self difficult to imagine, or struggle with visualisation. In this session we learn how to use the body to create a meditative state through barefoot walking, a progressive relaxation practice and through stillness.

Session 4: Exploring and expanding with meditation
Tuesday 3rd June 2025
In this final session, we explore meditation as the concept of being in flow and learn to have fun with it! We will explore intuitive movement to music, guided visualisation and manifestation. You will feel inspired to meditate and have a whole list of ways you can meditate in ways that feel fun, easy and freeing.

Book your place

Set in a stunning location, just outside Penicuik on the A701 near Edinburgh, we have an acre of garden looking out over the Pentland hills and a purpose built retreat cabin. Each evening will be created around the same format:

Places are limited to a maximum of 15 people per group so reserve your space now
The cost is £33 per event, or you can pre-pay all 4 for £100. Please get in touch with us if you would like to do this.

You can book individual sessions, or book all 4 for the price of 3
Book now

Please note that once made, bookings cannot be refunded or transferred.

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