Welcome to our "Pay from the heart" Firewalk, for Global Firewalking Day
Every Firewalk we hold is much more than just a workshop or just an amazing experience; for attendees it is an empowerment that plays out in every aspect of their careers and every moment of their lives.
The world which we all share is filled with challenges and struggles for many. Too much of our Western Culture promises that the answers are outside - in a new course, diet, outfit, car, job or other external opportunity. The truth is that you can uncover all the power and self-belief you seek, exactly as you are.
Firewalking has been used for thousands of years for empowerment and healing. This event is intended as a way to help you remember just how strong, resilient and awesome human beings already are, regardless of our current circumstances!
Many people come to these events on their own or with a friend. We create a space which bonds us as a group, ready to support eachother over the coals. We laugh and open our minds as we prepare for this wonderful experience that we will share.
We create space to think about the lives we are walking towards, and the old stories, habits and beliefs we want to leave behind. We will learn tools and practices to help keep our hearts open and to create a memory that will lead you back to this feeling of joy and empowerment long after the evening is over.
This event is hosted by experienced leader and Chiropractor Naomi Mills
I am often asked "does everybody who comes to these events do it?" The answer, so far, is yes. Even those who have arrived completely solid in their conviction they will not walk, usually do. This is not because they have been persuaded or swept up with the crowd, but because they are so inspired by what they learn in the workshop, they understand their purpose for doing it, and believe that they can.
Ultimately this event is about helping you remember how wonderfully powerful you already are. Sometimes, the most powerful thing you can do is say "no" to something everyone else is doing. That is celebrated and honoured here! So come along with an open mind and see where your heart leads you.