Cleanse body and mind in the Sweatlodge
The sweat lodge has existed as a way for people to come together and cleanse for thousands of years, across many lands and traditions. Vapour baths were in use among the Celtic tribes, it was of beehive shape and was covered with clay.
Our lodge is made from willow and looks out to the Pentland hills. In it, we combine Celtic tradition with Native American Lakota influence, to create an experience which feels modern and relevant but still filled with beautiful ritual.
The sweat lodge is a place for introspection and connection. During the ceremony which take places in stages or "rounds" you have the opportunity to express gratitude, set intentions, and leave behind anything that no longer serves you. There is often song, sharing, storytelling and meditation.
Like a modern-day sauna, the physical process of sweating helps your body purge toxins. The sweat lodge acts as a detox that helps you move beyond the physical into the spiritual. It is an experience that uses the elements to help you reconnect to nature.
The sweat lodge is a safe confidential space. Everyone agrees to maintain confidentiality for their fellow participants and after the sweat lodge, we share food as a group before we depart. This allows you to revitalise yourself and decompress after your lodge experience.
The theme of this sweatlodge will be "turning in for winter" and is represented by the Bear animal totem. During winter, the bear slows down, retreats to their cave and enters a state of stasis. The Native Americans talk about the bear's cave as being the deepest part of ourselves where we go for deep personal insight and enlightenment. In this month of November we will use this imagery to inspire us to travel deep within ourselves during the sweat lodge experience.
Experienced event leader and Chiropractor Naomi Mills will hold space and support you to create your sweat lodge journey.